How to add Personalised Video to your outreach
How to add personalised video to your outreach
Using personalised video is a great way to drive engagement in your outreach campaigns.
Hyperise provides two simple ways to use personalised videos in your outreach, either embedding your video in an existing website page, on your own website, or using a Video Page.
This guide covers how to setup your outreach campaigns using a Video Page, if you prefer to embed the video on a page on your own website, check out this guide:
1) The Video GIF
Due to the restrictive HTML capabilities of email tools, videos can't be embedded directly in email with a universal experience for all email recipients. To overcome these technical restrictions we can embed a personalised GIF of the video, which when clicked to play, leads the user to a web page with the video embedded.
You may have an existing personalised image that is suitable for this purpose, which of course you will be able to select, and is covered in the next step.
If you wish to create a GIF from your personalised video continue following this step:
1.1) First select the Make GIF button within the Video Canvas Settings.

1.2) This will then show your Video, in a popup, where you can set the starting point and length of GIF. Typically two seconds is long enough for the GIF length, to show some movement and draw the recipients eye to the GIF.

NB: The Video used to record will not show any dynamic elements, eg personalisation tags, this should be added in the Image Editor once the GIF has been created from your video.
1.3) Once your GIF has been created, you will have two options:

Add to Image Library - this will add your new GIF to your image library, ready for it to be used at a later time, when you're ready to make an Image Template from the GIF.
Create Image Template - this option will add the GIF to your image library, as per the previous option, but will also create a new Image Template, and open in a new tab, ready for you to add any final personalisations to your new GIF.
2) Get Video Code
Now you have a GIF for your Video, click the Get Image Code button below your Video:

2.1) This will then open a popup where you will be able to select the Image Template used to represent your Video before the recipient clicks, this could be the GIF create from your video in step one, or any other Image Template in your account.

2.2) Once an Image Template has been selected, you will then be prompted to choose the integration platform you're using for your outreach campaign.

If you have previously added an Integration to your Video, this will already by available to select, else click Add New and select the appropriate one.
2.3) Once select you will be presented with your embed code for your selected Integration. You will have two options, either combined Clickable Video GIF, which will add the selected GIF and Video link to your campaign, or Link Only, which will provide just the link code for your video.

Once you've selected the Tab that suits your purpose, click Copy Code, and paste the copied code directly into your message template, in your selected outreach tool.
If you're unsure how to add the code, there will also be a link to the integration guide for that platform, detailing exactly how and where to add the copied code in that platform.
3) Adding from within an Image Template
As an alternative from the above process, you can also add a Video Page link to your outreach campaigns, directly from within an Image Template. The process is very similar and summarised below:
3.1) Within the Image Template, select the Get Image Code button:

3.2) Select your required Integration to send your outreach campaign.
3.3) When prompted if you wish to link to a website landing page, select YES.

3.4) You will then be shown three options, select the Video Page option and the select your required Video from the drop down.

3.4) Once select you will be presented with your embed code for your selected Integration. You will have two options, either combined Clickable Video GIF, which will add the selected GIF and Video link to your campaign, or Link Only, which will provide just the link code for your video.

Once you've selected the Tab that suits your purpose, click Copy Code, and paste the copied code directly into your message template, in your selected outreach tool.
If you're unsure how to add the code, there will also be a link to the integration guide for that platform, detailing exactly how and where to add the copied code in that platform.
NB: these steps are suitable for email integrations, if you're using a social platform such a LinkedIn, then using Personalised Short Links is a better solution to deliver clickable images in your outreach messages.
For more details on creating personalised short links check out the Personalised Short Links guide.
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