TexAu Integration

Tex Au (Simple)

Written by AshLast update 2 years ago

** NEW: Add Personalised Short Links, directly into your TexAu recipes with the new Hyperise Spice **

Check this guide for full step by step details on how to use this new Spice:


Personalised Short Links create a clickable personalised image, that will lead the prospect to a personalised landing page of your choice.

If you prefer to embed images, without leading to a website, then use the following method.

We've covered some advanced hyper-personalised message campaigns, which are great for multistep, in-depth campaigns.  But sometimes you just want to send a message to your LinkedIn connections, or at least a segment of them.

For example, say I'm attending an event in a certain city, sending a personalised invite to all my LinkedIn connections in that city would be great way to boost my network options.

Or if I wanted to segment all the Marketing exec's who are my 1st degree connections and send them a personal invite to a strategy session.

Or even something super simple to get the conversation started, I could send a thanks to all my recent connections, or those I haven't yet messaged.

With TexAu, all of these and many more scenarios are possible, in a super simple three step process...

  1. Create your Image in Hyperise and add TextAu integration
  2. Define your segment search in LinkedIn
  3. Create a Search and Message Recipe in TexAu

Lets jump into each of those steps and breakdown

1. Create your Image in Hyperise and add TextAu integration

If you haven't used Hyperise before, checkout this video for a quick overview on creating your first personalised image.  Once you're image is created, add the TexAu integration and copy the image code...

2. Define your segment search in LinkedIn

If you're going to be doing this regularly then getting a Sales Navigator account will help with the advanced search and filtering options for creating targeted segments.  However even a standard LinkedIn account is sufficient for this process.

Simply go to LinkedIn and search and filter till your segment is just right to send a message to 👌

Copy the URL from the browser and head over to TexAu...  

TexAu uses the premise of Spices for task automation, which can be linked to create recipes.

The First Spice we select is Extract profile from a LinkedIn search, where we can add the LinkedIn search URL.

3. Create a Search and Message Recipe in TexAu

We can now link the profile data extraction spice, to a second task to send a message.

Using the Send a LinkedIn Message Spice, we can chain this with other Spices to create a wide variety of automated LinkedIn out reach.

Once you've selected the Spice, you'll be prompted to complete a few options:

As shown in the example above, you can enter a message directly, using {{..}} personalisation variables from previous Spice (eg a search/profile scrape).

The second part is the Image URL, here we just paste image code copies from Hyperise, as detailed in step one above.

Now when this Spice is ran, it will upload and attach the personalised image to the message, enabling this...

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