Mailchimp Integration
Mailchimp + Hyperise Integration - Use MailChimp to Grow Your Business with Personalised Images
Personalise images in your newsletters and mailouts with Hyperise and Mailchimp. Including personalised images in emails has proven to more than 2X engagement.
Our Mailchimp integration uses merge tags to send personalised data stored in Mailchimp to your dynamic image template.
Step One: Add MailChimp as an Integration

Once MailChimp has been added as an integration, make sure it's selected, then copy the Image Link. The image link copied will include all the required MailChimp tags to personalise your email.
Step Two: Add image link to MailChimp message
Within MailChimp create a new email campaign, select your template and select 'Add HTML' then paste in the copied image link from step one.

Thats it!
MailChimp will now pass the prospect data it has to the image, which will be created on the fly, as MailChimp sends out the image.
Step Three: Custom Merge Tags
By default MailChimp only has basic merge tags, you can of-course add your own custom merge tags, but you will need to map these to your Hyperise image tags manually.

To do this, when you create a new Merge field in MailChimp, you can name the MERGE field, eg like WEBSITE in the example below:

You can now add the new MERGE tag directly to the Hyperise image code for your MailChimp integration, eg:
<img src="*|EMAIL|*&website=&first_name=*|FNAME|*" />
The above is the standard Hyperise image code for MailChimp, we can now add the custom WEBSITE merge tag to this, using the standard MailChimp format of *| followed by the Merge tag name, then closing with |* , as below:
<img src="*|EMAIL|*&website=*|WEBSITE|*&first_name=*|FNAME|*" />
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