Flexie Integration
Flexie + Hyperise Integration - Use Flexie to Grow Your Business with Personalised Images
Add personalised images to your Flexie email campaigns using Hyperise.
Simply add a Hyperise dynamic image to your email templates and Flexie will add data to the image "on the fly", via URL parameters, which will dynamically create the image as its loaded.
It's amazingly simple to do, read on for the steps to get started....
Step One: Add Flexie as an Integration

Once Flexie has been added as an Integration, make sure it's selected, then copy the Image Link. The image link copied will include all the required HubSpot tags to personalise your email.
Step Two: Add image link to Flexie message
Within Flexie create a new email template and select 'Image' block, and then paste in image URL copied from step one.
Thats it! Flexie will now pass the prospect data it has to the image, which will be created on the fly, as Flexie sends out the image.
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