WeConnect Integration
WeConnect Integration
With WeConnect you can automate your LinkedIn prospecting with LinkedIn messaging.
In this guide we cover the LinkedIn side and how to include personalised images in your LinkedIn messages, using WeConnect.
- Create your Image in Hyperise and add the WeConnect integration
- Add a LinkedIn message to an Template in WeConnect
Lets jump into each of those steps and breakdown
1. Create your Image in Hyperise and add WeConnect integration
If you haven't used Hyperise before, checkout our videos for a quick overview on creating your first personalised image.
Once your image is created, add the WeConnect integration added, copy the image code...

2. Add a Personalised Image to a Template in WeConnect
Option One - the Image link:
Using the Sequences section we can create a new message template and paste the image code from step one.

As shown in the example above, you can enter a message directly, using personalisation variables from the LinkedIn collected data.
The second part is the Image URL, here we just paste image code copied from Hyperise, as detailed in step one above.
Now when this automation is ran and the message posted, LinkedIn will enrich the image link and show the full personalised imaged embedded in the message, enabling this...

Option TWO - the Web link:
Rather than add an image link to the message, you can add a web link, if you control the OG tags in the page.
To control the OG tags, if you have a WordPress site, you can add our WP plugin, and it will do this for you. To read more in this process go here: https://hyperise.com/linkedin/
If you don't have a WordPress site, follow this guide https://support.hyperise.com/hyper-campaign/open-graph-tags
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