Zapier Email Integration

Zapier Email Integration

Written by AshLast update 3 years ago

Being able to reach-out to your prospects across multiple channels can significantly help drive engagement and conversions.

Using automation tools like Zapier makes life significantly simpler, connecting different platforms and work flows you use, and also performing simple tasks, like sending emails.

Being able to add personalised images to emails being sent out via Zapier is super simple and can help more than double your emails engagement and click through rates.

For the purpose of this guide I’m using Zapier, you could also use Integromat if you prefer.  The starting point is going to be a webhook from Expandi (a LinedIn automation tool), so that each time a new connection is made, we'll send them a personalised email...


Spoiler Alert: to achieve this, we’re using three different tools, if you don’t have Zapier, Expandi and Hyperise, then there is going to be some additional cost to achieve this!

Step One:

Create a new Zap in Zapier, select the starting module, in this example we're using a Webhook, that will send an email when called.

Once the Zap is created, select the Catch Hook option. 

Now we can copy the webhook address provided and add to the Expandi to send the data, each time a new connection is made.

Step Two:

Now we can add a second module, that will send the email for us. 

At this point you could add a CRM or email platform integration, and send the prospect to there, and then send the email from an automation trigger in that platform.

I prefer to keep things simple, so I send the email direct from Zapier, they have both a standard SMTP email client module and a GMail module.

You can now define the email content, adding in personalisation tags that are populated from the sending platform (in this example Expandi).

For the message content, set to HTML, to support the image tags we'll be adding in step three.

Step Three:

Now we can add a Hyperise image to our email, first head over to your Hyperise account and select the image you want to use, add the Zapier Email integration and copy the image code.

Once the integration has been added, click Copy Link to copy the image code.

NB, if you want the image to be clickable, linked to a personalised landing page, choose the Launch option, instead of Copy Link option to add your landing page URL and get the Combined code.

Once you’ve copied the image code, head back to Zapier, to add it to your email content.

First paste in the image code copied from the previous step, into the email content area, now add the tags needed for the image, from the list of data options sent from the webhook. 

The image code will show all the required data fields needed to complete the personalisation.

Step Four:

Final step is to save and turn on your new Zapier automation Zap. 

Once done, thats it! 

Totally set and forget, now each new connection you have on LinkedIn, who has an email available on there profile, will get a lovely personalised welcome email.


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