Salesflare Integration

Salesflare + Hyperise Integration - Use Salesflare to Grow Your Business with Personalised Images

Written by AshLast update 3 years ago

Rather than provide data to Hyperise, such as is the case with Lists and Google Sheets, you can also supply data to the image "on the fly", via URL parameters, which will dynamically create the image as its loaded.

Salesflare can be used by adding in merge tags to the dynamic image template.

Step One: Add Salesflare as a datasource

Once Salesflare has been added as a data source, click to select it, then copy the Image code.

The image link copied will include all the required Salesflare tags to personalise your email.

Step Two: Add image link to Salesflare message

Within Salesflare create a new email message and select 'View HTML'  then paste in the copied image link from step one.

You can now switch back by clicking 'Hide HTML' and you will now see your image template.

It will show with default data in the preview, but these will be updated for each prospect as the emails are sent out.

Thats it! Salesflare will now pass the prospect data it has to the image, which will be created on the fly, as Salesflare sends out the email and the recipients open it.

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